This sacrament, formerly known as “Last Rites” or “Extreme Unction,” is not only for persons near the end of life, but for all Catholics who are experiencing serious illness of the body, mind, or spirit. The sacrament focuses on trust in God—for whatever happens—and on healing—in whatever form that may take. Today the sacrament is celebrated in parish settings, homes, hospitals, and care centers, in the company of family and friends, so that all can celebrate God’s healing love.
When death appears to be near, the sick person receives Holy Communion, known as Viaticum, “food for the journey,” which assures us of Jesus’ presence on this final journey to the Father. Waiting until the last minute to call a priest denies the sick person the full benefit of the sacrament. The anointing of the sick is meant principally for the sick throughout their illness and not at their last moment.
Anointing of the Sick and Eucharist
Our parish priests are available to anoint you or a loved one by office appointment, at home, in the hospital, or wherever is most convenient. We encourage friends and family members to be present for the anointing of the sick through which God heals, lifts up, and gives hope, peace, and new life to His faithful people.Parishioners unable to come to Mass due to illness may receive Holy Communion from a Eucharistic Minister.
If you, or someone you love, are ill and/or in need of a priest please or to make arrangements for Eucharistic Ministers to deliver communion to the ill and infirm residents of our Catholic community at home, hospital or nursing home call the Parish office 954-432-2750.